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HTML Image Map, with separate hover and click state

Proposals will be accepted until 10.08.2023
200 $

Project details

I have a client that requires a complex HTML Image Map. I have tried to tale them out of it on the grounds of it being non-UX friendly, slow loading, and not accessible, but there adamant about it so need to find a Front end Dev that can help me out.

The main image will need to have 4 areas mapped;
Upon hover, the area covered needs to change color and also show a modal pop-up message.
Upon clicking, a hyperlink to a new page is triggered.

Must be responsive
Must be as accessible as possible - Alt Tags, Arial Labels, etc

Se an example of the image we need to use of an arch. Each of the stones will need to be hoverable & clickable.
As above, when hovered, a red color needs to be underlaid & when clicked a hyperlink is triggered.

Skills Required

  • Short term
  • 27.07.2023 in 15:06
  • Until 10.08.2023
  • Views: 521
  • Closed order

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